One of the main areas of activity of the Bailican Limited as a part of “TAS Group” is the financial sector, which represents long-term strategic interest of the Group. Attention to the financial sector is due to its potential for growth and high dynamics of development. This makes the assets in the financial sector be among most valuable for the Group.
Companies of the Group are present in virtually all segments of the financial sector of Ukraine. At the same time the interests of the Group cover all promising lines of business in this sector of the economy, including banking, life and risk insurance, financial intermediation, provision of debt collection services, leasing, stock brokerage, asset management and other promising directions.
Given the strategic interests for the development, the Group aims to further increase the assets in the financial sector of Ukraine (by developing existing businesses and acquiring new ones).
The policy of the “TAS Group”, with regards to the financial market, is based primarily on long-term growth of the companies that are present in the market. To achieve this goal the management of the Group is constantly working to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of these financial institutions.
The priority for the expansion of other businesses in the financial sector is given to entering the sectors which are at the stage of active growth, while applying further development and implementation of effective business strategies. This allows not only to maintain a high rate of business development (at least 50% per year) but also grants access to leading positions in the relevant markets. The exit strategy is implemented through disposal of business when corresponding market reaches its peak and there are signs of slowing growth rate
Universal Bank
Universal Bank is reliable up-to-date universal bank operating on the Ukrainian market for more than 20 years and provides wide range of services for private individuals and legal entities.
High quality servicing of the Ukrainian business is a strategy of Universal Bank.
Our vision is organic growth based on impeccable reputation and complete professionalism of our team.
Our goal is continuous improvement of banking relationships with our clients at all levels of cooperation.
Statutory capital of Universal Bank amounts to UAH 3.102 billion, it is a member of Deposit Guarantee Fund and have high long-term credit rating at the level “uaAA” according to Credit Rating Agency.