- Extensive experience and profoundBailican limitedprofessional knowledge
- Extensive experience and profoundBailican limitedprofessional knowledge

Company was incorporated in 2012.
Market value of subsidiaries for about USD 240 mio.
Dividends income year 2016 is USD 13.5 mio.
Total investments year 2016 is USD 76 mio.
Our Vision
Our vision is to contribute to the sustainable development of TAS Group by building market-leading businesses through our focused approach, and continuous enhancement of our shareholders’ value

Our Mission
Our mission is to emerge as the premier investment holding company focusing on Ukrainian and Europian region. We draw on our strong team experience and the network of our principal investors to generate superior returns for our shareholders

Our Values
We strongly believe that our return on values is continuous improvement of the company’s activities, its commitment to advanced technologies and management methods. Hence, we are committed to fostering corporate values that influence growth and deliver significant long term value to our shareholders, partners and team.

Who we are
We are a holding company that operates dynamic, primarily growth-oriented, businesses.
Our People
The leadership team of our group of companies offers a deep and broad level of experience in the financial industry. We are focused on industry leadership, growth, and increasing profitability year after year.
Our goals
We intend to assist with the growth and development of these businesses, with the goal of maximizing their value, improving the market’s understanding of these businesses
Our strategy
We will operate under disciplined capital allocation principles designed to promote the growth and development of our primary businesses, maximize value for our shareholders and ensure the prudent use of our capital.
Basic principle of activity
High performance requires bold leadership, unwavering integrity and a culture of collaboration for constant improvement.
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Our Subsidiaries